‘Jat’ doesn’t deserve reservation in Haryana

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It is a matter of grave concern that the meaning of reservation has changed nowadays. Different upper caste communities of the remote areas are demanding reservation. They wanted to shift themselves into OBC categories. I am again saying that there have been misusing some underlined words of our constitution. In fact, reservation is also one of them. Most of the people are in confusion about it. Some see it as a kind of poverty alleviation program, some of them feel it as a philanthropic policy, some of them understand it as Job requirement program, etc.

Every people or group of people have their own definitions regarding it. First of all, we have to understand the meaning of reservation and should know who really deserves it. Secondly, we also have to understand why these kinds of voices are being raised now a day after almost 70 years of independence. Thirdly we have to understand the political equation which is made upon the reservation. I will also let you know about the way of uplifting the agitation is democratic or chaos.

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What do you mean by Reservation?

Majorly three castes has been raising their voices for reservation is ‘Jats’ in Haryana, ‘Gujjars’ in Rajasthan, ‘Patels’ in Gujrat. All three cases in different states are analogous with each other. No one of them has been socially or politically deprived for years. Basically reservation had been seen as a medium to achieve the target of casteless nation in Poona pact which was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. But it is very unfortunate to say that now a day it has become a political tool in order to polarize votes of backward class people for vote bank politics. Our ancestors would have never imagined such sort of impacts of it on society.

During Poona pact at least Gandhi ji would not have expected this kind of violence what happened in Haryana, when pact was being signed by Gandhi ji. It has to be understood by the political parties that government might be run for five years but concern will prove its presence for many years. Reservation never meant for any poverty alleviation program or philanthropic policy. Reservation is meant for the participation of that marginalized group who was being untouched and socially oppressed in our society for many years.

It gives strength and sounds for those people to stand up and put their own words among the public. It indicates the decentralization of the power through contribution of people from diverse communities. Reservation is meant for those who are not in the mainstream of our society. Reservation is some sorts of medium to bring those people in main stream who get diverted from our civilized society. I want to render one parallel instance in front of you so that we could understand it very smoothly.

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Suppose women have some issues regarding health and other things. Men could not represent their all problems what they face. So there will be need of representation from that class so that it could be discussed and get solutions. Similarly marginalized group, tribal people have own problem related to their myth, culture and tradition which might be humorous and illogical for us. But we have to respect their narration too. So we should give space for them to put their things among us.

Jat needs facilitation not the reservation

As far as Jat concern in Haryana, I heard lot about their agitation. Their leaders don’t have valid reasons which could fulfill the criteria of reservation. Main problems of Jats are that they has been using as political tool for many years. They had been discussed in Mandal commission but yet they are being told to wait. Every political party promised them to give reservation when would come to the power. Even those parties know very well that it is not possible for them. Our supreme court has denied reservation for Jats in Haryana.

In spite of it they put these sorts of words in their manifesto in order to accumulate the vote of Jat community. Political party’s sycophancy makes them to believe that they deserve for reservation but ruling party don’t care about them. These things confound them in political sphere which results into the violence. So, political parties are also one of the causes of their chaos and frustrations. Everyone structures fabricated narration during election. Seriously reservation won’t decrease their economic disparities but will definitely make them frustrated even after reservation.

Jat has been traditionally landlord and they don’t have even iota of any social issues. Rifles in agitation and their hooliganism are the prominent evidences to prove so. Problem is that their families are growing in haste and due to it their land gets fragmented into small pieces. As we know that now a day farmers are going through the agricultural crisis in our country. They won’t get valuable prices for their crops. There are lot of corruptions on PACS levels so that they even not able to get inputs at reasonable rates. Middlemen are becoming businessman very suddenly by confounding equation and farmers are being oppressed by both ends.

Their inputs are very high in agriculture and savings are very low. Inflation in market is going above the top of the roof. That’s why they are getting worried with such stuffs. They are becoming economically weak. But reservation won’t be the solution for their problem at any angle. They need facilitation instead of reservation. They should ask for facility from government so that they could maintain their economic condition well. As I told earlier that it is not any kind of philanthropic policy which could eradicate the poverty.

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There is a combination of schemes has been launched by the government to eliminate poverty. If someone wants to say bye to poverty they should not look reservation as a solution. Seriously it won’t help them. Almost all castes are confronting the same problem in agriculture. Farmer’s conditions have been deteriorating day by day. All farmers should have stood up over one stage and ask government to propose solutions for their problem. It is very unfortunate to say that now a day our farmers are lacking of solidarity.

They are despair with government’s actions toward farmers and infested with inflation. Apart from these challenges they are drenched with bank debt due to crisis in Agriculture. On the one hand they have been lacking of solidarity and on the other hand whatever unity they had gained from the former leaders, was flush down in communal violence. Mujafarnagar is one of the instances of that story. Our farmers must have to come to the fore and ask for their rights. Even central government is pondering very seriously into the farmer’s issue. This year budget is one of its reflections.

There are very worst impacts of their useless agitation which does not sense any mean. Their agitation brings Haryana government on the back foot socially as well as economically. Their agitation created social unrest in the state. Investors are afraid of investing anything in that state. They have given very bad images in front of the whole world. One Gang rape case at Mruthal also came into limelight which is very shameful where girls and women were being raped by so called agitators. They flush down the meaning of Agitation there.

We all know that our government has been developing institutions through PPP (Public Private Partnership) models in order to take out work efficiently and effectively. Government jobs are being curtailed and private institutions are being added to share work load. Private jobs have been increasing. It makes no sense where we do pond water untidy just because of few bowl of pot water (government Jobs). It should be understand by the Jat people because they are creating bigger crisis on the name of caste which is not good for society itself.

Income-based reservation is not possible

I have heard from many people that reservation should be given to the poor people and it should be based on the income instead of caste. I am telling why it is not possible in our country. First, we don’t have transparent scale to measure poverty. What would be the base of giving reservation to poor people? One answer will come to our mind is Poverty line commonly known as BPL (Below Poverty Line). I would like to make you aware that this benchmark is itself vague. On ground level a chain of corruption exists.

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Consequently, we can find many people in our society who are economically very well, in spite of it they have been holding BPL and on the other hand people who really deserves it, they don’t have due to lack of this papers and those papers. Suppose If we added reservation on income based, it would happen like that booking would be done on the name of poor people and delivery would be done in hand of economically healthy people who don’t deserve it. This kind of mismatch is possible in Income based reservation system. If we will be able to invent a transparent scale to measure poverty then we can ponder upon it.

The second challenge will be there will be race among the people to say poor. In caste system it is almost uncertain to represent ourselves as wrong caste while taking admission in schools, colleges and other places because we take care about social dignity not to say as a lower caste people. But when we ponder reservation on the basis of Income based reservation system then there will not be any kind of blush to say ourselves as a poor. It will lead to a kind of competition to say so in order to get benefited from the services which are provided to the marginalized group.

Its result would be unfortunate and capitals would start centralizing in those hands that have been rich socially, politically as well as economically for many years. Everybody says that poverty don’t have any sorts of caste. But I wish to know why poverty decreases on the scale of caste. Why it is inversely proportional to the caste. Why don’t we talk over it? I think we should not much concentrate on few cases. Before thinking over it just put emotions in your cupboard and come to the grass-root level. We must concentrate on the collective census.

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