When the word “Net neutrality” comes to the fore to anybody like customers, Internet Service providers, or government then all of them show their sympathy on equality and justice over the Internet issues and then they articulate their own reasons on their ideas.
As I think basically It is a dispute of business between the Internet service providers and the E-commercial business companies like Flipkart, Amazon, etc but the consumers are affecting due to their disputes. Now I would like to make you clear that how their disputes are going on, If there is a condition where I have to illustrate the whole scenario in one word then I would like to say it as “Jealous”.
Basically the efficiency of E-commerce market like Flipkart, Amazon have increased very sharply in India in preceding years but people of service providers got almost constant profit even by differentiating their products into different modules as per the need and choice of customers. Now the people of Service Providers want extra charges from commercial companies to neutralize themselves in the race of business but the people are affecting badly due to it.
There are lots of complexibilities among the consumers to buy different network to use different sites and applications which is very much difficult. On one hand they give free things like whatsapp and facebook to the consumers and on other hand they take it back from the back doors by imposing money on other applications.
This is very true that if there is a liberty to the commercial companies to come and use the internet and provide better facility to consumers like home delivery then why service providers are so much concerning over it, this is exactly what our prime minister Mr Modi want to be a smart in the step of development so they should not act like obstacles.
Let me illustrate it with an example, Electricity Company gives us electricity to use then why such prerogatives should be given to the electricity company to decide about the company of fans, cooler, freezes and other electrical equipment, It should be the choice of liberty of consumers, not that company.
Similarly, Prerogatives related to the Internet should not be given to the Internet Service Providers themselves to decide about the sites and pages on the Internet. It must be the choice of liberty of the consumers Once consumers paid the money for the Internet then consumers would be the master of that data benefits, not the service providers. Problem is that service providers want to pull the feet of commercial companies to catch them and to neutralize themselves in the race of business.
Instead of doing such activities If they focus on the revolutions in the IT sector then they will definitely chase them and that will be in the favor of the development of our nation too, otherwise, service providers will be destroyed like Orkut.
But what they are playing like a negative character in the whole story and in spite of these things they are imposing a couple of reasons over other things like technology on their negative questions like the speed of the Internet and different charges for different users, content, sites, platforms, and applications which is discrimination not the differentiation of their products toward consumers.
And I hope that TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) would respect the millions of Emails of consumers and act accordingly into that matter seriously otherwise It will be a very big obstacle to the development of our nation.
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