All ideas having large consequences are always simple

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Throughout history, some of the most impactful ideas like democracy, equality, liberty etc, have indeed been simple in their essence. Whether in science, philosophy, politics, or social movements, the power of simplicity lies in clarity and universal applicability. Simplicity emphasizes clarity, focus, and the essence of an idea without unnecessary complexity. Probably, that’s why it is often said that – “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

While simplicity often characterizes many of the world’s most influential ideas, this assertion is not universally true. Some ideas, while simple in their core concept, entail complexities in their application and ramifications.  In this essay, we will examine the nature of simplicity in impactful ideas, consider counterexamples where complexity played a significant role, and explore the interplay between simplicity and complexity in shaping ideas with large consequences.

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Now question is why do people support simplicity? – Simplicity resonates universally. Simplicity allows people across cultures and backgrounds to grasp and adopt the idea. Along with this, it facilitates ideas since clear and straightforward concepts can be more easily implemented or acted upon. Also, it prevents distraction because simplicity allows people to concentrate on what truly matters.

The Power of Simplicity that transformed the world

Many groundbreaking ideas are deceptively simple in their formulation, which often makes them accessible and resonant across societies and disciplines. In the context of political development, the concept of democracy—government by the people—is simple yet revolutionary. Its power lies in its clarity and universal appeal, leading to revolutions, social reforms, and the reshaping of political systems worldwide.

Similarly, in the context of scientific development, Albert Einstein’s equation expresses the relationship between energy and mass. While the underlying physics is complex, the formula itself is elegant and simple, encapsulating a transformative principle of the universe. Similarly, Newton’s laws of motion, summarized in three principles, provided the foundation for modern physics. Their simplicity enabled scientists and engineers to build on them for centuries.

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Along with these, ideas such as freedom and equality have led to significant societal changes throughout history. These ideas have large consequences on society but are very simple in nature. For instance, equality demands equality among people irrespective of caste, gender, race, place of birth, etc. The assertion of the American Declaration of Independence’s “all men are created equal” is another example of simplicity.

Finding footprints of simplicity transforming the contemporary world

In the context of the economy, India’s New Economic Policy provided a simplistic outlook in 1991. The core principles of the policy—liberalization, privatization, and globalization (LPG) – streamlined India’s economic structure, making it simpler and more efficient. Similarly, tax reforms have been done through GST in 2017 that clubbed all indirect taxes into a simplistic manner. It helps in reducing cascading effects i.e, “tax on tax” in the taxation process.

Along with these, in public policies, the government has brought “one nation – one ration card” scheme. This has helped in simplifying the food distribution process. As per the 2011 census, the number of internal migrants in India makes up 37% of the country’s population. They were excluded from the National Food Security program due to the complexity in making state-centric distribution. However, “one nation – one ration card” made this scheme simple and affected a large population who received grain from anywhere.

Similarly, the surge of e-governance has been further making processes simple that affect a large number of people. For instance, the Delhi government has started home delivery of documents by applying online. Therefore, it reduces the possibility of corruption and makes government programs simpler. Thereby, the ideas of e-government have been transforming the contemporary world in terms of governance.

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The flip side of the assertions: Not always simple

However, the notion that all consequential ideas are always simple merits closer scrutiny. While simplicity often catalyzes broad acceptance and profound impact, complexity can also be intrinsic to ideas that shape the world. For example, the principles of quantum mechanics are not very simple but have profoundly shaped our understanding of the universe and led to technological advances like semiconductors and quantum computing.

Along with this, in an economic sense, the ideas of capitalism and socialism are economic theories having far-reaching consequences. However, their underlying mechanisms – market dynamics, resource allocation, and governance structures – are deeply complex in nature. Also, from the prism of the environment, climate change science is complex, involving interdisciplinary research across meteorology, biology, and economics. While the core message – “reduce greenhouse gas emissions to save the planet” – is simple, the pathways to achieving this are complex.

Apart from these, complexity should not always be seen as a weakness. It could be a strength because complexity often provides a more comprehensive understanding of a subject, enabling solutions to address root causes. Also, oversimplifying complex ideas can lead to misunderstandings or ineffective solutions.

The interplay between simplicity and complexity

Many transformative ideas achieve their impact by combining a simple core message with complex implementations. This synergy allows for widespread acceptance while accommodating the real-world application. For example, The principle of “universal education” is simple. However, its implementation requires addressing challenges such as curriculum design, teacher training, and equitable access across diverse socio-economic contexts.

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Conversely, some inherently complex ideas achieve widespread influence by being distilled into a simple, communicable form. For example, the theory of evolution by natural selection is complex in its details, involving genetics, and ecology. However, Darwin’s core message that – species evolve over time through survival of the fittest – is simple enough to be widely understood in different dimensions.

In conclusion, simplicity often facilitates clarity and accessibility. However, complexity is equally vital in addressing challenges and ensuring comprehensive solutions. The most impactful ideas often exist at the intersection of simplicity and complexity, leveraging the strengths of both to create fruitful changes.

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