Relation between government and public has been changing according with respect to the time. In the past before Britisheres came to India, it was said that on the one side there was a king and on other side public. People were philanthropically dependent on the king. Their life lies in the mood of the king. Later, discourse changed and Britishers tried their level best to exploit natural resources as well as human resources. Relation between British government and Indian people has been very different. After independence this relation was completely different. People were solely dependent on government.
It was government duty to take care of their people. People expectations were too much in that time. But after LPG (Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation) reforms and beginning of 21st century relation has very different where public satisfaction become prominent. That’s why through PPP (Public Private Partnership) program has been launched to achieve that goal.
Now a day for public satisfaction, government is doing best from their own side. Because to meet this huge amount of monetary will be required. Government has continuously been applying different ideas to achieve it. But it impacts positively and adversely both. India has having different classes which is affected adversely. Reason behind it that policy has been constructed and implemented unilaterally from the government side in spit of having much social differences. I am going to talk about two case studies where changing relation has been impacting too much common people. One case will be taken for Railway area where another case will be taken from Delhi metro to explain my stances over this.
Today I came to know that Indian Railways has suggested to increase the charges of lower berths in trains by Rs 50. Please do note that it is not being applied yet. It has been coined to do that. Initially railways hiked ticket price by 14% in order to serve in a better manner and enhance infrastructure. When Nitish Kumar was railway minister, he added ‘Tatkal’ seva for the people who wants to travel on a very short notice. But this government added “Premium Tatkal” which is based on flexy fare services. Its aim was to fetch more money only since for short notice travel ‘Tatkal’ was already there. Using the same mechanism railways added dynamic fare to many trains like an airline.
This time planning to charge extra Rs 50 for having window seats. So those who were chanting that Indian don’t have habit to even leave window seat, must have to leave if it is regulated, to save Rs 50. It seems that the Railways is taking cues from airlines which preferably increase the price for window seats as its demands are always high. If we see the second facet of railway in freight area, huge incentives are being given. I am asking to those who are justifying the hike in prices is good since government is accumulating capital for railways development. If it is doing so in absolute term then it must be done for the both passengers as well as freight. Just see railway board has decided to incentivise by 30% for freight last month.
Why government is doing so? because industrialists have other alternatives to shift the other mode of transport for transporting raw materials by road but the passengers don’t have much. So, people are almost completely dependent upon railway since it connects almost all the society of our country. People won’t go anywhere. Whatever you charge people will pay due to lack of other alternatives. Relationship between government and public has been changing gradually from service to business which is a matter of concern.
In the business oriented governance, the matter of concern is that people standing in the last queue will always be suffered from the required services. It will be like that, if you have a coin then you only be able to take glass of water at road side otherwise you will have to be suffered. In service oriented it was ensured that these things are basic and must accessible to everyone. It becomes duty to deliver.
In the second case study we have seen that Delhi Metro has hiked their fare prices almost double. Generally, it was taught from the childhood that public must minimize use of private transport. It causes air pollution due to emission released by the vehicle. It has been proven fact that Delhi metro has played vital role in minimizing air pollution and traffic problem. If there was no Delhi Metro, then their situations might have been very derogatory. So, fare of Delhi Metro must be controlled by the government so that people don’t even try to use their private vehicle. But increasing fare price might give a call to the people of Delhi to use their personal vehicle. It can’t be justified that Delhi Metro wanted monetary help, so they did like Railway. Delhi Metro always has been in profit since people were overloaded. For further expansion of Metro government must coin for a call to investors instead on increasing fare prices.
Apart from that government has continuously been trying to shift itself toward cashless and digital economy. Here again governance believes in best delivery. Government wants that everybody must get together with digital money and use it as far as possible. Public demand has always been different. Upcoming generation is ready to take this challenge but a generation before this is not yet comfortable with it since huge confusion and weak security comes in between. Now again one challenge comes to the fore how governance will be managed where one section of public side is not comfortable to get together with changes.
Here basic problem is that we failed in understanding the disparities between two words called as ‘Development’ and ‘Growth’. Growth consists of only one parameter of economic. But word development consists of many parameters like development of Economic, Political, Administration, and social development. This is the basic reason why India has been called as a ‘rich country of poor people’ by some of the thinkers.
Our economy may grow. It might show sudden growth in GDP, GNP and many data related to economics. But it must also be taken care that how social, political and administration behaviour has been changing. Initially people were concerned with how effectively policy can be implemented but now human relation has been developing for effective implementation. Like that relation between government and public has always been changing.
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